BLM Resource Guide (한글)

Yoonah Bae
37 min readJun 17, 2020


BLM 이 무엇인지 그리고 무고한 흑인들의 억울한 죽음에 조금이나마 보탬이 될 수 있을지 고민하시는 한인분들을 위해 Mengwe가 수집해놓은 자료를 한글로 번역해보았습니다.
Original Resources by Mengwe

이 리소스 가이드는 청원서 및 제안 방법 - 전화번호, 주소, 이메일, 청원서 내용, 공식서명서, 기부 단체, 그리고 BLM 에 대한 역사와 배경 그리고 우리의 이해를 돕기위한 추천 영화와 도서목록을 차례로 정리해 놓았습니다.

그리고 흑인들의 어두운 피부와 특징적 모발, 백색인종의 “표준”과 상반되는 외모로부터 받는 비난과 차별, 연예계에 종사하는 흑인들의 삶, 경찰 예산 삭감에 대한 내용을 담고있습니다.

목차 (전체보기)
I. 누구를 어떻게 도울것인가?
A. 엘라야 맥클레인 Justice for Elijah McClain
B. 에머랄드 블렉 Justice for Emerald Black
C. 로버트 플러 남성 Justice for Robert Fuller
D. 쇗고팟소 풀레 Justice for Tshegofatso Pule
E. 말콤 하쉬 Justice for Malcolm Harsch
F. 아머드 어버리 Justice for Ahmaud Arbery
G. 조지 플로이드 Justice for George Floyd
H. 줄리어스 존스를 사형집행으로부터 보호하기 Save Julius Jones From Execution
I. 토니 맥데이드 Justice for Tony McDade
J. 브리오나 테일러 Justice for Breonna Taylor

II. 어떻게 누구에게 리포트해야 하는가?
A. 불법행위를 저지른 제이콥 페더슨 경찰관
B. 조지 플로이드를 조롱하는 사람들 대응하는 법
C. (종결) 아이에게 호신용 스프레이를 가한 경찰
D. (종결) 흑인 학생들을 전자충격기로 제압한 아틀란타 경찰

III. 인종차별 운동에 이어 무고한 시민을 지지하며 연합하는 방법
A. 유권자 등록하기
B. 뉴욕 경찰서 예산을 어떻게 삭감시킬 수 있는가
C. 어느 곳에 기부해야 하는가
D. 흑인 성소수자 단체
E. 흑인 정신 건강 단체
F. 흑인들이 소유한 사업
G. 흑인 인플루언서/ SNS 유명인
H. 흑인 역사와 배경에 대한 이해 공부 법
I. 인종차별반대
J. 연예계에 종사하는 흑인들
K.경찰 예산 삭감
L. 특징적 머릿결, 외모로부터 받는 비난과 차별

*개인번호 유출이 꺼려질 경우 구글 Voice App을 받으셔서 다른 번호로 항의 하시면 됩니다.

Justice for Black Lives
Illustration by Benny Gold at Dribbble

Justice for Elijah McClain

사건의 개요
엘라야 맥클레인(23)은 동네가게에서 아이스티를 사서 집으로 돌아오는 중이었다. 그는 평소에 몸이 약해서 외출 시 자신의 얼굴을 따뜻하게 해 줄 바람막이용 스키 마스크를 착용했고 경찰은 그의 평범한 행동을 “위험한 태도"로 간주하고 그를 난폭하게 제지했습니다. “나를 놔 줘. 나는 내성적이라 말 할 때 적당한 거리가 필요해!” 라고 소리쳤다. 엘라야 가족들은 경찰 보안용 카메라 영상을 보여달라고 했고 그 영상엔 엘라야가 구토를 하며 숨을 못쉬겠다고 제발 살려달라 빌고있었다. 경찰 중 한명은 “움직이지마! 다시한번 또 움직이면 개한테 물게할거야!” 라고 협박했다. 마침 도착한 긴급 의료원은 이미 경찰들에 의해 의식을 잃은 그에게 “차분해” 지도록 전신마취제 (Ketamine)를 놨다. 그는 심장 심장마비가 왔고 그의 가족들은 6일뒤에 그의 호흡기를 떼야했다.
엘라야는 23살에 안마사로 일하고 있었으며 바이올린과 기타 연주법을 독학했고 매일 점심시간이면 근처에있는 애완동물 샾에서 동물들을 위해 연주했다. 엘라야는 뛰는것을 좋아했고 맨발로 뛰는것은 인간의 자연스러운 본능이라고 믿었다. 그는 몸도 약하고 빈혈이있어 따뜻하게 챙겨입기위해 외출시 늘 마스크를 착용했었다.

엘라야를 위한 청원시 연락처
제러드 폴리스 주지사 Co Governor Jared Polis: (303) 866 2471
마이크 커프먼, 오로라 시장 Mayor of Aurora Mike Coffman: (303) 739 7015
데이비드 영 변호사 District Attorney Dave Young : (303) 659 7720
버네사 윌슨, 오로라 경찰서장 Aurora Police Chief Vanessa Wilson: (303) 739 7720
제이슨 크로우 의원 Representative Jason Crow: (202) 225 7882
에밀리 엔더슨 판사 District Chief Judge Emily E. Anderson: (303) 654 3550
낸시 로저 변호사 Deputy City Attorney Nancy Rodgers: (303) 739 6014
데니엘 브로만 변호사 Aurora City Attorney Daniel L. Brotzman: (303) 870 9078

전화로 청원 넣을 시 내용
“엘라야 맥클레인을 대신하여 연락드립니다. 무고한 엘라야를 살해한 혐의로 관련된 이들* 모두 즉시 해고하시고 살인 혐의로 기소하십시오. 공무원들이 형사법을 위반하지 않았다는 사실을 증명한 데이브 영에게 또한 공개 사과를 요청합니다. 엘라야는 무한한 잠재력을 갖은 인재였습니다. 우리는 또 한명의 훌륭한 사람을 잃었고 정의를 요구합니다. 책임지고 공정하게 심판해주십시오.”
“I am calling on behalf of Elijah McClain. I am demanding that officers Nathan Woodward, Jason Rosenblatt, Randy Roedema, Matthew Green, and Sergeant Dale Leonard of the Aurora Police Department, as well as Lieutenant Peter Chichuniec and medic Jeremy Cooper of Aurora Fire Rescue*, are fired immediately and charged for the murder of innocent Elijah McClain. I am demanding a public apology and admission of guilt, specifically on the behalf of Dave Young, who found that the officers did not violate any criminal laws. Elijah McClain was a 23-year-old man with limitless potential. Our world lost an incredible person and I am demanding justice. Take accountability.”

시장과 주지사에게 이메일을 보내 엘라야를 죽인 경찰 조사를 요구하기
Email the mayor and governor and demand an investigation of the officers who killed him

진상규명 청원서
Sign the petition:

엘라야 맥클레인 가족에게 기부하기
Donate to the McClain family:

Justice for Emerald Black

사건의 개요
2019년 6월 7일 에머랄드 블랙과 그의 약혼자는 진료를 다녀오는 길에 경찰에 붙잡혔다. 그 이유는 차량 등록증이 잘못되어서 였으며 차에서 내리라고 명령했다. 약혼자는 임신상태였고 유산 위험이 높다는 사실을 말했음에도 불구하고 경찰은 병원복을 입은 약혼자 무참히 차 밖 땅으로 내던졌고 경찰들은 그녀를 조롱하며 그녀의 배위를 밟고 유산을 일으켰다. 그리고 에머랄드와 그녀를 체포하여 밤새 감옥에서 보내게 하였다.

진상규명 공식서명서
Sign the Petition demanding justice for Emerald Black:

Justice for Robert Fuller

사건의 개요
로버트 풀러(24)는 팜 데일 시청 앞에서 나무에서 목에 밧줄에 매여 사체로 발견됐다. 그런데 2020년 6월 10일 수요일 경찰은 그것을 자살로 수사를 마무리 지으려한다. 흑인 청년의 죽음에 대한 진상을 가리기 위해 독립된 수사와 부검에 찬성한다는 뜻을 6월 13일 공식성명을 통해 밝혔다.
“LA County Sheriff국의 브랜든 딘 경위는 모든 정황상 자살이 유력하지만 부검 결과 가족을 비롯한 친인척들로부터 모든 정보를 얻을 때까지 판단을 유보하기로 했다고 설명했다.” [source: RadioKorea]

진상규명 공식서명서
Sign the petition demanding justice for Robert Fuller:

수사요구 청원서 이메일로 보내기
팜데일 시장 Mayor of Palmdale:
팜데일 시 매니저 Palmdale City Manager:
팜데일 시의회 Palmdale City Council:

로버트 풀러 가족에게 기부하기
Donate to Robert Fuller’s Family’s Go Fund Me:

로스 앤젤레스 카운티 보안관 사무실 살인 사건 관리국의 브렌던 부장에게 전화하여 로버트 풀러의 사건에 대한 철저한 조사 요구하기
Call Lt Brandon Dean of the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Office Homicide Bureau and demand a full and thorough investigation of Robert Fuller’s death: 1(323) 890 5500

Justice for Tshegofatso Pule

사건의 개요
2020년 6월 4일 쇄고팟소 풀레(28) 임신 8개월차 남아프리카에서 온 여성이 없어졌다. 그리고 일주일 뒤 가슴에 칼에 베인 상처가 있었고 그녀는 나무에 목이매어 매달려 있었다. 사람들은 그녀는 너무도 좋은 사람이었다고 설명했다. 그녀와 그녀의 태아를 살인한 범인은 밝혀지지 않았다.

진상규명 청원서
Sign the petition demanding justice:

Justice for Malcolm Harsch

사건의 개요
말콤 하쉬는 Victorian 시립 도서관 근처의 나무에 매달려 죽은 채 발견되었습니다. 그의 부검 전 12일 동안 San Bernardino County 검시관에 방치되어 있었다. 경찰은 그것을 자살로 수사를 마무리 지으려한다

진상규명 청원서
Sign the petition:

Justice for Ahmaud Arbery

아마드 아버리 (업데이트): George Barnhill 와 Jackie L. Johnson 은 조지아 수사국 (GBI — Georgia Bureau of Investigation )은 검찰 위법 행위가 있었는지 의해 조사 중이다. 윌리엄 “로디” 브라이언 주니어는 살인 장면을 녹화했고 중범 죄 살인 혐의로 체포되었으다. 그리고 그의 관련여부에 대해서도 조사하고 있다. George Barnhill, the district attorney for the Waycross judicial circuit in south-east Georgia, and Brunswick Judicial Circuit District Attorney, Jackie L. Johnson* 는 맥마이클 부자는 “용의자를 죽이기 이전에 멈춰세웠기” 때문에 정당방위라고 주장하고 있었다. 하지만 아마드 아버리 가족이 Barnhill의 아들이 검찰실에서 Gregory McMichael와 함께 일했다는 목격담에 더 이상 거론되지 않았다.

사건의 개요
“지난 2월23일 오후 아버리는 조지아 주의 해변도시 브런스윅의 사틸라 쇼어스 마을에서 조깅을 하고 있었다. 그는 잠시 건축 중인 한 집터에 들어가 구경한 뒤 조깅을 계속했다. 이 집터의 이웃에 사는 맥마이클 부자는 권총과 소총으로 무장하고는 트럭을 타고 아버리를 추적했다. 이들은 아버리에게 “멈춰라, 할 말이 있다”고 제지하다가, 곧 총을 발사했다. 아버리는 세 발의 총탄을 맞고는 즉사했다. 사건 뒤 맥마이클 부자는 경찰에 최근 마을에 몇차례의 침입 사건이 있었고, 아버리가 그 용의자를 닮아 추적했다고 말했다. 이들은 아버리가 아들 트래비스를 공격하려는 바람에, 정당방위로 총을 쐈다고도 주장했다. 당시 사건 현장을 찍은 동영상을 보면, 맥마이클 부자는 트럭에서 내려 아버리를 제지하려고 실랑이를 하다 즉각 총을 발사했다. 경찰에 따르면 이 마을에서 최근 신고된 침입 사건은 없었다. 아버리는 비무장 상태였고, 사건 당시 알코올이나 마약을 복용하지도 않았다.”

Ahmaud Arbery: a new focus on district attorney’s flawed prosecutions of black women (accessed May 31)
DAs Who Passed on Prosecution in Arbery Case Now Being Investigated (accessed June 4)
Hundreds Demand Justice for Shooting Victim Ahmaud Arbery at Georgia Rally (accessed May 31)
Man who recorded the fatal shooting of Ahmaud Arbery has been arrested, GBI says (accessed May 31)
Retracing Ahmaud Arbery’s Final Minutes: What Videos And 911 Calls Show | NYT Visual Investigations (accessed May 31) WARNING: GRAPHIC IMAGES
What We Know About the Killing of Ahmaud Arbery (accessed May 31)

팀 콕, 캅 카운티 경찰서장 Cobb County Chief of Police, Tim Cox: (770) 499–3904
캅 카운티 경찰서 Cobb County Police, Internal Affairs: (770) 528–3812
아틀랜타 경찰서장 Atlanta Chief of Police:
아틀랜타 경찰 홍보부 The Atlanta Police Public Affairs Unit:
키샤 보텀스, 아틀란타 시장 The Mayor of Atlanta, Keisha Bottoms:

청원 내용
안녕하세요. 저는 ___입니다. 무고한 아마드 아버리를 진상규명을 위해 연락드립니다. 그는 비무장 상태였고 맥마이클스 부자에게 위협하지 않았음에도 불구하고 George Barnhill 변호사와 Jackie L. Johnson은 정당방위라는 잘못된 주장을하고 있습니다. 그들의 잘못된 변호에 대해 죄를 묻고 즉시 해고시켜주시기 바랍니다.
“Hi, my name is ___ and I’m calling to advocate on behalf of Ahmaud Arbery, who was chased down, shot, and murdered by Gregory McMichael and Travis McMichael. Even though Ahmaud Arbery posed no threat to these men and was unarmed, George Barnhill and Jackie L. Johnson advised that the police do not charge Gregory and Travis McMichael for Arbery’s murder and that the McMichael’s actions were legal and justifiable. We demand that George Barnhill and Jackie L. Johnson are removed from the office. Thank you.”

Justice for George Floyd

조지 플로이드 (6월 4일 업데이트): 미네소타주 검찰총장 키스 엘리슨은 이날 기자회견을 열고 쇼빈에게 당초 적용한 3급 살인 및 2급 우발적 살인 혐의에 더해 2급 살인 혐의를 추가 적용한다고 밝혔다.

조지 플로이드 가족에게 기부하기
George Floyd Memorial Fund
Gianna Floyd Fund (George Floyd’s child)



위문편지나 위로금 보내기
check by mail at:
The Estate of George Floyd
c/o Ben Crump Law, PLLC
122 S. Calhoun Street
Tallahassee, FL 32301
Attn: Adner Marcelin

Ex-police officer Derek Chauvin charged with third-degree murder (accessed May 30) George Floyd Was Murdered. We Must Not Be Silent — Here’s How to Help (accessed June 4) Justice for George Floyd gets a step closer (accessed June 4) Minneapolis Murder Attorney (accessed June 4) Reclaim The Block Digital Toolkit (accessed May 31)

Save Julius Jones From Execution

19세의 어린 나이에 줄리어스 존스는 자신이 저지르지도 않은 살인 혐의로 유죄 판결을 받았다. 그는 지난 20년 사형을 판정받았으며 하루 1시간 외 23시간 동안 독방에 감금되어 있다. 그가 유죄 판결을 받았을 당시 그는 오클라호마 대학에서 체육장학생이었다. 그의 변호사가 그를 제대로 변호하지 않았으며 명백한 인종차별이 있었다는 증거가 있다. 비올라 데이비스의 다큐 시리즈 “The Last Defense”에서 그의 사건의 불의가 밝혀졌다.

추가 자료
Read the case overview at
Educate yourself by watching Viola Davis’ docuseries “The Last Defense
Julius Jones clemency petition spurs letter writing, social media campaign (accessed June 4)
Sing For Change, Inc. Official Website (accessed June 4)
Sing For Change Official IRS Tax Exempt Organization Search (accessed June 4)

공식 기부단체 (세금 면제)
The Sing for Change Inc. is a certified 501c3 organization. They were also found on the official IRS Tax Exempt — Given this information, the organization seems to be reliable and trustworthy.

가석방 위원회에 이메일 보내기

진상규명 공식서명서
Sign the Petition: Julius Jones is innocent. Don’t let him be executed by the state of Oklahoma

오클라호마 주지사가 전하는 말
Message the Governor of Oklahoma:

(we suggest using the script from the website under the “Email The Parole Board” section, which we have attached below)

청원 내용
“Dear Governor Stitt, I write today to convey my gratitude for the work you have already done to reform Oklahoma’s criminal justice system. I understand that the nature of the work is arduous and very comprehensive and, hope that this letter is affirming and an indication that many citizens anticipate further reform measures. There have been historical systemic injustices within Oklahoma’s legal system. However, with your leadership, criminal justice reform advocates, and determined lawmakers, a better Oklahoma is on the horizon — a better Oklahoma that will remedy and heal past wounds caused by poor criminal justice policies, biased court systems,
and a lack of foresight within the criminal justice system. I am specifically writing to you out of deep concern regarding the Julius Jones case (#270147OSP). Mr. Jones has been on Oklahoma’s death row for the past 20
years, though there remain many outstanding questions. Considering the details that have surfaced regarding racial bias, ineffective legal counsel, and his co-defendant’s questionable plea deal, I am concerned that the state of Oklahoma may be in jeopardy of executing a wrongfully convicted person.
As a nation, we must turn the page on a dark history of injustices within our
system. John Grishams’ Netflix special, “The Innocent Man”, Viola Davis’ ABC
documentary, “The Last Defense”, and Ava Duvernay’s film, “Central Park 5” have forced our society to grapple with some painful truths about the shameful consequences of a broken criminal justice system. As you know, Oklahoma has shared in this shame. The only remedy is to look at every aspect of the system, even the dark corners of death row. The state’s redemption is directly connected to its willingness, to be honest, transparent, and to do the hard work of correcting blatant injustices, like evidence in the case of Julius Jones. I urge you to support his clemency application and bring relief to his family as soon as possible.”

Justice for Tony McDade

토니 맥데이드 (6월 14일 업데이트):
이 부서는 여전히 증거를 수집하고 검토 중이며 재심이 시작되기 전에는 더 이상 세부 정보가 공개되지 않을 것이고 코로나 바이러스 전염병으로 인해 법원 소송이 지연 될 수 있다. Tallahassee 시의 경찰은 토니가 총을 먼저 겨뉘어서 총을 쏘았다고 주장하고 있고 목격자들은 토니는 비무장 상태였으며 경찰은 결코 상황 시도하지 않았다고 말했다. 플로리다 주 법에 따라 총기 사건에 연루된 경찰관들이 사생활을 보호하기 위해 피해자로 분류 될 수 있기 때문에 토니 맥 데이 드를 살해 한 경찰의 이름을 공개하지 않았다.

토니의 죽음과 관련된 경찰의 체포 카메라 영상 공개와 체포를 요구하기 위해 토니 매카 데에게 484848에게 문자를 보내십시오.
Text TONY MCDADE to 484848 to demand the release of the body camera footage and the arrest of officers involved with Tony’s death.”

진상규명 공식서명서
Sign the Petition: Justice For Tony McDade

법무부 연합단체
Donate to The Black Justice Coalition:

인권 캠페인
Donate to The Human Rights Campaign:
(both organizations have been very outspoken about the situation)
로렌스 레벨, 경찰서장 Chief of Police, Lawrence Revell: (850)-891–4393
시 변호사 City Attorney, Cassandra K. Jackson: (850)-891–8554
리스 고드, 시 매니저 City Manager, Reese Goad: (850)-891–8200

청원서 내용
안녕하세요. 저는 __입니다. 저는 토니 맥토이드를 대신해 토니를 살해한 Tallahassee 경찰을 기소하고자 연락드렸습니다. Tony McDade를 죽인 경찰의 이름과 경찰관의 보안용 카메라 공개해야합니다. 우리는 또한 정당한 수사와, 관련 임원과 경찰관의 해고를 요구합니다. 흑인들의 경찰관들의 주의가 필요합니다
“Hi, my name is ___ and I’m calling to advocate on behalf of Tony McDade, who was murdered by the Tallahassee police. We demand that you release the name of the cop who killed Tony McDade, along with the officer’s body camera footage. We also demand a full and complete investigation, possibly resulting in the firing or decertification of the officer or officers involved and for criminal charges to be placed, along with investing in proven practices to reduce the rate at which black lives are taken by police officers.”

추가 자료
A Black Trans Man, Tony McDade, Was Killed by Police in Florida (accessed May 30)
Black transgender man fatally shot by Florida police (accessed May 30)
Black Trans Man Tony McDade Killed by Police in Florida (accessed May 30)
LGBTQ community calls for justice after Tony McDade, a black trans man, shot and killed by police (accessed June 4)
The Police Killing You Probably Didn’t Hear About This Week (accessed May 30)

브리오나 테일러

브리오나 테일러 (업데이트 6월 12일): The Louisville Metro Council voted to ban no-knock warrants, otherwise known as the new “Breonna Taylor Law” in Louisville, KY. This law not also, “requires that police officers have their body cameras on when conducting a search, and sets a minimum time period before and after the operation that the cameras must remain active.” The officers still have not been charged.
(업데이트 6월 11일): “The LMPD released the incident report from that night Taylor died that was almost entirely blank, though list Taylor’s injuries as “none,” even though she was shot at least eight times and, according to attorneys for her family, died on her hallway floor in a pool of blood. It also checks the “no” box under “forced entry,” even though officers used a battering ram to knock in the apartment door.” Breonna Taylor was shot at least eight times by police officers after three of them entered her apartment with a no-knock warrant. The Louisville Police Department stated that the officers announced themselves even though they were not legally required to, and only returned gunfire when Taylor’s boyfriend shot at them. Taylor’s mother claims that the police officers did not announce themselves upon entry and that their suspect in the investigation was already arrested so there was no need to search their apartment. Tayor’s boyfriend states that he thought that someone was entering the residence illegally and shot at the officers as self-defense. The 911 calls were later released to the public, with Walker recorded telling the 911 operator, “somebody kicked in the door and shot my girlfriend”. All three of the officers were also wearing plain civilian clothing. Currently, none of the officers in her case have been arrested or fired.

진상규명 문자로 요구하기
Text ENOUGH to 55156 to demand justice for Breonna Taylor

진상규명 공식서명서
Sign the Petition: Justice for Breonna Taylor
Louisville Police Department (Non-Emergency): 502–574–7111 or 502–574–2111

시장 연락처
Mayor Greg Fischer: (502) 574–2003 (M-F 7am-7pm)

메트로 전철 이메일

다니엘 카메론 변호사 연락처
Attorney General, Daniel Cameron: (502)-696–5300

청원 내용
“Hi, my name is ___ and I’m calling to advocate on behalf of Breonna Taylor, who was shot eight times and murdered by Louisville police. Taylor posed no threat to the police officers, yet she was unjustly murdered by them. We demand that the officers are fired and prosecuted for their total disregard of human life. Justice cannot be served without accountability. Thank you.”

Here’s What You Need to Know About Breonna Taylor’s Death (accessed May 30)
The FBI has opened an investigation into the shooting death of Kentucky EMT Breonna Taylor (accessed June 1)
Why Aren’t We All Talking About Breonna Taylor? (accessed June 4)

Report Jacob Pedersen

제이콥 페더슨은 흑인으로 위장하고 우산을 쓰고 미네소타, 미니애폴리스에 있는 Autozone의 창문을 깨부셨다. 전 와이프와 친구의 문자엔 St. Paul 경찰서에서근무하고 있는 제이콥 형사는 전 와이프의 장갑을 끼고 있었으며 행동이 그와 같았다고 했다. 그리고 영상에 가스 마스크를 쓰고있는 그의 얼굴이 찍혔고 제이콥의 얼굴이었다. St. Paul 에 경찰서는 제이콥은 정확한 알리바이가 있다고 했다. “그는 그의 동료와 함께 있었다는걸 확인했다.” 이 사건이 덮어진다면 그것은 St. Paul 경찰서의 지시였을 것이다.

추가 자료
Evidence of the Individual being Jacob Pederson (accessed June 4)
“Minneapolis Riots. AutoZone Windows Smashed (by a police officer?)” (accessed May 31)
‘We know with precision where that officer was’: St. Paul police refute persistent claims that undercover officer smashed windows, sprayed graffiti to provoke rioting in Minneapolis (accessed May 31)

청원할 시 필요한 연락처
세인트 폴 경찰서 Saint Paul Police Department:
세인트 폴 경찰 Saint Paul Police Department Internal Affairs: (651)-266–5760
존 반 데르 사령관
Commander John Bandemer:
세인트 폴 경찰서 온라인 신고
Saint Paul Police Department Online Reporting Unit: (651)-266–5701
리포트 하는 법
File A Report:

청원 내용
“Hi, my name is __ and I am calling in regards to Jacob Peterson and his involvement in the vandalism and destruction of the AutoZone building in Minneapolis. There is sufficient enough evidence to believe that Jacob Peterson was the man who vandalized the AutoZone building during the protest. We demand that this incident is properly investigated by your Internal Affairs department and that Jacob Peterson is put on leave until the investigation is completed. Thank you.”

조지 플로이드를 조롱하는 사람들 대응하는 법

(업데이트 종결) Taking Action Against Those Mocking George Floyd

조롱한 사람과 관련 연락처
Piper Zenter
Instagram: @pipermzenter
University attending: Northwest Missouri State
Instagram: @nwmostate
University President: John Jasinski
Phone number: 660–562–1212

청원 내용
“To whom it may concern:
Recently, the murder of an unarmed and innocent black man, George Floyd, by Minneapolis Police Officer Derek Chauvin, was filmed and widely broadcasted. Due to the violent and traumatizing nature of the video, and the complete lack of respect for human life displayed by the officers, many people were asked to stop posting the video to prevent further trauma to the black community. It has come to my attention that a student who is supposed to
attend your university, Piper Zenter, was involved in the making of a different video in which the student and friends recreated Floyd’s death while laughing and mocking this vile incident. Right now around the world, people are protesting to end police brutality and demanding justice for George Floyd and many other members of the black community that have been victims of police brutality. Piper Zenter had the audacity to make a joke about something that
affects the safety of many people on a daily basis, and post this on the internet. I am asking that you reconsider if this is the type of student you would like to have to represent your university.”
(Your signature)

추가 자료
Missouri State responds to students’ ‘racially charged’ social media posts
Northwest officials ‘looking into’ racially-insensitive video
Two Missouri university students withdraw over video appearing to mock George Floyd’s death (accessed June 4)

(종결) 아이에게 호신용 스프레이를 가한 경찰

(CLOSED) Report The Cop Who Maced A Child
UPDATE (June 1): The Seattle Police Department issued a statement saying that Jared Campbell was not the officer who deployed the pepper spray. They are currently looking into who is responsible for this incident.
Jared Campbell (badge #8470) allegedly maced a 10-year-old girl in the face during a peaceful protest in Seattle. This came to light when a video surfaced online of the girl in distress as people came to help and pour milk on her face.

추가 자료
Jameela Jamil slams officer Jared Campbell who maced a 9-year-old girl: ‘Did she scare you in your riot gear?’ (accessed June 1)
SPD Officer Jared Campbell Was Not Deploying Pepper Spray (accessed June 4)

(종결) 흑인 학생들을 전자 충격기로 제압한 아틀란타 경찰

(CLOSED) Report Atlanta Officers Who Tased Black Students
UPDATE (June 2): Early this week, two of the main officers, Investigator Ivory Streeter and Investigator Mark Gardner was fired. All 6 of the police officers were charged with excessive use of force. While driving from the protest at Atlanta’s Centennial Olympic Park, two black individuals were stopped by the police for reasons that are currently unknown. According to Officer Gardner, he gave verbal commands to the woman in the passenger side to “show her hands and stop resisting”, when he allegedly heard an officer shout “gun”, prompting him to tase her. “Police reports do not list a gun as having been recovered.” The video footage shows the cops breaking the driver's side window and tasing both of the individuals in the vehicle for an excessive
amount of time.

2 Atlanta officers fired after video shows them tasing man and using ‘excessive force’ on woman, mayor says (accessed June 1)
6 Atlanta officers charged after students pulled from the car (accessed June 4)
“Atlanta officers fired after AUC students tased, pulled from car Saturday night” (accessed June 1)

관련 영상
“RAW: Police Body Camera Footage From Fired Atlanta Officer” (accessed June 1)


우리는 불공정한 일들을 보았고 용납 할 수 없는 일들을 지나왔다. 우리 인종차별문제에 변화를 일으킬 사람들에게 투표해야합니다. 다음은 투표 등록을 확인하기위한 자료, 투표 등록 방법, 우편 투표지를 받는 방법 및 2020년의 중요한 투표 날짜
The injustices we’ve seen recently and all those prior are unacceptable. In order to use our voices, we must vote for those who will make a change in the office that protects the safety of the Black community. Below you’ll find resources to confirm you’re registered to vote, how to get your ballots in the mail if you’re living in a different state than the one you’re registered in, and
important voting dates for 2020.

유권자 등록 확인하기
Check that you’re registered to vote:

선거 날짜 확인하기
Election dates calendar:

유권자 등록하기
Link for registering to vote:
운전면허증에 있는 거주지를 입력하면 사이트에서 안내해줍니다
Just input the state you have a residence in that you have your ID from and the site will guide you from there.

부재자 투표 용지 받을 수 있는 곳
Where to go to get your absentee ballot:

부재자 투표 용지는 어떻게 쓰나요?
1. 미리 계획하고
2. 우편으로 부재자 투표 용지 받기를 신청하세요. Request your ballot by mail. This is DIFFERENT than actually voting by mail
3. 부재자 투표 용지를 받으면 선거일이 올 때까지 주에 도착할 수 있도록 충분한 시간을 주어야합니다. Once you receive your ballot be sure to give yourself enough time so it arrives at your state by the time election day comes

더 자세한 정보는
For more information about how absentee ballots work, visit:

뉴욕시 경찰서 예산 삭감

NYPD의 예산은 7월 1일에 해마다 재평가됩니다. 6월 5일까지 예산은 시의회와 시장에 의해 결정되며 정부 운영 예산의 기초가됩니다. 예산이 이미 결정되었지만, 기관의 재정상황을 모니터링하기 위해 1년내내 청문회가 개최됩니다. 변화하는 조건에 따라 예산을 지속적으로 조정합니다. 현재 뉴욕시는 뉴욕 경찰서 — NYPD의 거의 60억 달러의 예산을 그대로두고 교육 및 청소년 프로그램을 대폭 줄이고 다른 기관을 80% 줄이려하고 있습니다.

로니 로웬스타인 이사
IBO Director, Ronnie Lowenstein: 212–442–0225
더그 터키어 참모 국장 IBO Chief of Staff/Communications Director, Doug Turetsky: 212–442–0629
멜라니 하트 조그 예산 관리 국장에게 메시지 보내기
Send A Message to Director of The Office of Management & Budget, Melanie Hartzog:

뉴욕시 보로우 회장에게 예산편성과 집행에서 결산에 이르기까지
NYC Borough Presidents: During the budget process, Borough Presidents propose a budget reallocations to meet local priorities.
● Bronx (718) 590–3500
● Brooklyn (718) 802–3900
● Manhattan (212) 669–8300
● Queens (718) 286–3000
● Staten Island (718) 816–2200

커뮤니티 게시판과 관련 연락처
The city’s 59 neighborhood Community Boards play an advisory role in the budget process by preparing budget priorities for their neighborhoods.
Comptroller: Responsible for auditing and investigating matters relating to city finances and agency operations. The Comptroller also prepares a statement of the debt service required for each fiscal year and analyzes the Preliminary and Executive Budgets.
● The Comptroller’s Office: (212) 669–3916
● Email:
● Website:
Financial Control Board (FCB): Analyzes and report on city budget documents.
● Phone Number: (212) 417–5046
● Website:
The Mayor’s Office of Management and Budget (OMB): Responsible for preparing the Mayor’s Preliminary and Executive Budgets. OMB is also responsible for executing the adopted budget and advising the Mayor on policy issues affecting the city’s fiscal stability and provision of services.
● Phone Number: (212) 788–5800
● Website:
New York City Council: The city’s legislative branch. There are 51 members, each representing one Council district. The Council enacts legislation, negotiates and approves the city budget, and provides oversight of city agencies.
● Contact information for individual Council Members:
Office of the State Deputy Comptroller for New York City (OSDC): Analyzes and reports on the city
budget documents.
● Email:
● Website:
Public Advocate: Assists city residents in resolving complaints about government and in accessing services. The Public Advocate also reviews the work of city agencies and monitors
compliance with the City Charter.
● Phone Number: (212) 669–7200 (press 0)
● Website:

청원 내용
Hello, my name is ___ and I am a resident of ___. In light of the recent police violence,
as well as documented cases of NYPD abuse and racial profiling, I urge you to advocate
for a budget for this upcoming fiscal year that reduces funding for the NYPD. I would like to redirect funding away from the NYPD and into health, housing, and social services that support vulnerable residents at this difficult moment. Thank you for your time.

추천 도서
The End of Policing (무료 ebook):

The movement to defund police gains ‘unprecedented’ support across US (accessed June 5)
Understanding New York City’s Budget: A Guide (accessed June 4)

기부 단체
You can find a longer list of resistance funds and places to donate here as well as here.
The Atlanta Solidarity Fund
The Atlanta Solidarity Fund provides support for people who are arrested at protests, or
otherwise prosecuted for their movement involvement.
● Website:
● Donate:
The Bail Project
The Bail Project, Inc. combats mass incarceration at the front end of the system. They pay bail
for people in need, reuniting families, and restoring the presumption of innocence.
● Website:
● Donate:
● Instagram: @bailproject
Black Lives Matter
Black Lives Matter Foundation, Inc is a global organization in the US, UK, and Canada, whose
the mission is to eradicate white supremacy and build local power to intervene in violence inflicted
on Black communities by the state and vigilantes.
● Website:
● Donate:
● Instagram: @blklivesmatter
Brooklyn Bail Fund
Brooklyn Community Bail Fund is committed to challenging the racism, inequality, and injustice
of a criminal legal system and immigration and deportation regime that disproportionately target
and harm low-income communities of color.
● UPDATE: Due to an overwhelming amount of donations, they are encouraging people to
donate their money elsewhere.
● Website:
● Instagram: @brooklynbailfund

무죄 프로젝트

The Innocence Project, founded in 1992 by Peter Neufeld and Barry Scheck at Cardozo School of Law, exonerates the wrongly convicted through DNA testing and reforms the criminal justice system to prevent future injustice.
● Website:
● Donate:

The Liberty Fund
The Liberty Fund is dedicated to reducing the number of New Yorkers subjected to unnecessary
pretrial detention while simultaneously providing much needed social services to this population.
● Website:
● Donate:!/donation/checkout
Louisville Community Bail Fund
The Louisville Community Bail Fund exists to not only bail out folks, but provide post-release
support to get them from jail, fed, and to a situation of safety.
● Donate:
NAAP — Detroit Chapter
From courtroom lawsuits to boardroom negotiations, from picket lines to economic boycotts,
from schoolrooms to factory floors, the Detroit Branch NAACP has demanded justice and civil
rights. We seek not merely a superficial procedural justice, but a substantive, deeper form of
justice that derives from the very spirit upon which this country was founded.
● Website:
● Donate:
National Bail Out
A Black-led and Black-centered collective of abolitionist organizers, lawyers, and activists
building a community-based movement to support our folks and end systems of pretrial
detention and ultimately mass incarceration.
● Website:
● Donate:
The Northstar Health Collective
The North Star Health Collective coordinates and provides health care services, resources, and
training to ensure the safety of the community over the weeks before, during, and after the
RNC. Thousands of community members and families attended protests against the RNC.
● UPDATE: Due to an overwhelming amount of donations, they are encouraging people to
donate their money elsewhere.
● Website:

미네소타 자유 펀드

미네소타 자유 펀드는 차별적이고 강압적인 감당할 수없는 보석금과 이민채권을 지불하는데 쓰입니다.
● UPDATE: Due to an overwhelming amount of donations, they are encouraging people to donate their money elsewhere.
● Website:
● Instagram: @mnfreedomfund
Mutual Aid NYC
A network of groups organizing to provide aid and support to New Yorkers during the COVID-19
● Website:
● Donate:
Reclaim the Block works to defund police in Minneapolis and move the community’s dollars into resources that actually keep people safe.

미니애폴리스의 경찰대신 실제로 사람들의 안전을 지키는 자원으로 자금을 필요한 곳에 사용됩니다.
● UPDATE: Due to an overwhelming amount of donations, they are encouraging people to donate their money elsewhere.
● Website:
● Donate:

The Southern Poverty Law Center is dedicated to fighting hate and bigotry and to seeking justice for the most vulnerable members of our society. Using litigation, education, and other forms of advocacy, the SPLC works toward the day when the ideals of equal justice and equal opportunity will be a reality.
● Website:
● Donate:

흑인 성소수자 단체에 기부하기

Audre Lorde Project
Community organizing for LGBTQSTGNC people of color communities.
● Instagram: @audrelordeproject
● Website:

Black AIDS Institute
Working to end the Black HIM epidemic through policy, advocacy, and high-quality direct HIV
● Website:
● Donate:

Black Trans Femmes in the Arts
Contributing to Black Trans Protestors Emergency Fund.
● Instagram: @btfacollective

Black Trans Travel Fund
● Instagram: @blacktranstravelfund
● Website:

Black Visions Collective
Black-led Queer and Trans centering organization.
● Instagram: @blackvisionscollective

For The Gworls Party
Contributing to the Black Trans Protestors Emergency Fund, regularly raising money to assist w/ Black trans folks’ rent & affirmative surgery.
● Instagram: @forthegworls

House of GG
Creating safe and transformative spaces for the community to heal, and nurturing them into
tomorrow’s leaders, focusing on trans women of color in the South.
● Website:
● Donate:

LGBTQ+ Freedom Fund
Post bail for LGBTQ people held in jail or immigrant detention and raise awareness of the
the epidemic of LGBTQ over-incarceration.
● Website:
● Donate:

Marsha P. Johnson Institute
Founded to protect the human rights of Black trans people.
● Instagram: @mpjinstitute
● Website:

NYC Anti-Violence Project
For LGBTQ people who experienced police violence or an assault during these protests.
● Instagram: @antiviolence
● Phone Number: (212)-714–1141

NYC Committee for Trans Action
Community org and crowdfund prioritizing Black and Indigenous TGNC folks.
● Instagram: @nyccta
● Cash App: $nyccta
● Paypal:

The Okra Project
The collective that seeks to address the global crisis faced by Black Trans people by bringing
home-cooked meals and resources to the community.
● Website:
● Donate:

Builds power of Black trans and queer people to force systemic divestment from the prison
industrial complex and invest in community support.
● Website:
● Donate:

Solutions not Punishment Collaborative
Black trans and queer led the organization in Atlanta.
● Instagram: @snap4freedom

Trans Cultural District
The world’s first-ever legally recognized trans district, which aims to stabilize and economically
empower the trans community.
● Website:
● Donate:

Trans Justice Funding Project
Community-led funding initiative founded in 2012 to support grassroots trans justice groups run
by and for trans people.
● Instagram: @transjusticefp
● Website:
● Donate:

Youth Breakout
Works to end the criminalization of LGBTQ youth in New Orleans to build a safer and more just community.
● Website:
● Donate:

BTFA, Black Trans Travel Fund, The Okra Project and For the Gworls
are raising funds to support black trans protestors with resources, medical care, and bail:
● Cash App: $btfacollective
● Paypal:
Support Lyanna Dior
Lyanna Dior is a trans woman who was attacked by a mob in Minneapolis.
● Cash App: $lyannaDIO

흑인여성 정신건강 검진 단체

The Foundation for Black Women’s Wellness
This organization is a Wisconsin based non-profit committed to mobilizing African American women to pursue and sustain mind-body-spirit wellness, and to raise the visibility and support of Black women’s health as a community and public health priority.
● Website:
● Donate:

The Loveland Foundation
A therapy fund for black women and girls.
● Website:
● Donate:

The Nina Pop/Tony McDade Mental Health Recovery Fund
These funds are emergency mutual aid funds that raise money to pay for one-time mental health therapy sessions with licensed Black male and female therapists for black trans men and women.
● Paypal:
● Apply for the Nina Pop Fund
● Apply for the Tony McDade Fund

흑인소유 사업

Black-Owned Businesses — Twitter Threads

BLK & Bold
Specialty coffee and loose leaf tea.
● Instagram: @blkandbold
● Website:

Curl Box
Handpicked products for curly hair delivered to your doorstep.
● Instagram: @curlbox
● Website:

PUR Home
A natural, non-toxic Eco-Friendly Laundry Detergent and Household Cleaners product line.
● Instagram: @purhomeclean
● Website:

흑인소유 비건 가게

Maya’s Cookies
The founder and head baker, Maya, makes every cookie flavor imaginable. Funfetti, White Chocolate Macadamia Nut, and a VegOut team favorite, the Famous “Everything” cookie (containing chocolate chips, oatmeal, pecans, butterscotch chips, marshmallows, and pretzels).
● Order online at

Project Pop
Chautauqua Major, the founder of the company was inspired to create a simple ingredient popcorn with the likes of organic cane sugar, organic virgin coconut oil, and Himalayan pink salt after reading the labels on products in the market.
● Order online at

Southern Roots Vegan Bakery
This bakery is based in San Antonio, Texas, where Marcus and Cara Pitts recreate vegan versions of classic Southern desserts. They are 100% vegan and nut-free online bakery, with no physical storefront.
● Order online at

Symphony Chips
Symphony Chips was founded by daughters Amina & Amari and father Dondre Anderson in 2016. The recipe for the product was curated by Chef Andre Anderson using a blend of over 28 herbs and spices as a seasoning. The company has two varieties: Original Chips and Smoked
Chips, seasoned with the signature blend.
● Order online at

유명 흑인 인플루언서

● Brittany Packnett Cunningham (@mspackyetti)
● Ericka Hart (@ihartericka)
● Layla F. Saad (@laylafsaad)
● Rachel Cargle (@rachel.cargle)
● ShiShi Rose (@shishi.rose)

Makeup Artists
● Ashley (@itshotchiick)
● Beat By Britt (@maicanbeauuuty_mua)
● Mercy Mungai (@msmercc)
● Ohemaa Bonsu (@_ohemaabonsu)
● Vanessa Gyimah (@vanessa_gyimah)

흑인 역사와 배경에 대한 이해 공부 법

흑인의 역사와 차별에 대한 이해 대한 마스터 리소스 목록이 있습니다. 여기에 첨부 된 문서는 흑인 커뮤니티를 도울 수 있는 방법을 자세히 설명합니다.
전체자료 모음

추천 기사
Globalism and the prison industrial complex: an interview with Angela

Davis by Avery F. Gordon
The House That Race Built by Angela Davis
Racism, Birth Control, and Reproductive Rights by Angela Davis

추천 도서
1. Abolitionist Democracy: Beyond Empire, Prisons, And Torture by Angela Y. Davis
2. America’s Original Sin by Jim Wallis
3. An African American and Latinx History of the United States by Paul Ortiz
4. Are Prisons Obsolete by Angela Y. Davis
5. Assata: An Autobiography by Assata Shakur
6. Black Feminist Thought by Patricia Hill Collins
7. Black Power: The Politics of Liberation by Kwame Ture & Charles V. Hamilton
8. Black Skin, White Masks by Frantz Fanon
9. Behind the Scenes: Or, Thirty Years a Slave, and Four Years in the White House by Elizabeth Hobbs Keckley
10. Between The World And Me by Ta-Nehisi Coates
11. Citizen: An American Lyric by Claudia Rankine
12. Eloquent Rage: A Black Feminist Discovers Her Superpower by Dr. Brittney Cooper
13. Fearing The Black Body: The Racial Origins of Fat Phobia by Sabrina Strings
14. Freedom Dreams: The Black Radical Imagination by Robin D. G. Kelley
15. Freedom Is A Constant Struggle: Ferguson, Palestine, And The Foundations Of A Movement by Angela Davis
16. From #BlackLivesMatter to Black Liberation by Keeanga-Yamahtta Taylor
17. Good Talk: A Memoir in Conversations by Mira Jacob
18. Have Black Lives Ever Mattered? by Mumia Abu-Jamal
19. Heavy: An American Memoir by Kiese Laymon
20. Hood Feminism: Notes from the Women That a Movement Forgot by Mikki Kendall
21. How To Be An Antiracist by Ibram X. Kendi
22. How To Be Less Stupid About Race by Crystal M. Fleming
23. I Am Not Your Baby Mother by Candice Brathwaite
24. I Know Why The Caged Bird Sings by Maya Angelou
25. I’m Still Here: Black Dignity In A World Made For Whiteness by Austin Channing Brown
26. Just Mercy by Bryan Stevenson
27. Me and White Supremacy by Layla Saad
28. Mindful of Race: Transforming Racism from the Inside Out by Ruth King
29. Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass (Original Classic Edition): An American Slave
by Frederick Douglass
30. No Ashes in the Fire: Coming of Age Black and Free in America by Darnell L. Moore
31. Queenie by Candice Carly-Williams
32. Racial Innocence by Robin Bernstein
33. Redefining Realness by Janet Mock
34. Sister Outsider by Audre Lorde
35. So You Want To Talk About Race by Ijeoma Olua
36. Stamped from the Beginning: The Definitive History of Racist Ideas in America by Ibram
X. Kendi
37. Stamped: Racism, Antiracism, and You: A Remix of the National Book Award-winning
Stamped from the Beginning by Jason Reynolds
38. Teach Your Dragon About Diversity by Steve Herman (children’s selection)
39. Tears We Cannot Stop: A Sermon to White America by Michael Eric Dyson
40. The Bluest Eye by Toni Morrison
41. The Color of Law by Richard Rothstein
42. The Fire Next Time by James Baldwin
43. The New Jim Crow: Mass Incarceration in the Age of Colorblindness by Michelle
44. The Next American Revolution: Sustainable Activism for the Twenty-First Century by
Grace Lee Boggs
45. The Souls of Black Folk by W.E.B Du Bois
46. The Warmth of Other Suns by Isabel Wilkerson
47. Their Eyes Were Watching God by Zora Neale Hurston
48. This Book Is Anti-Racist: 20 Lessons on How to Wake Up, Take Action, and Do The
Work by Tiffany Jewell
49. This Bridge Called My Back: Writings by Radical Women of Color by Cherrie Moraga
50. Unchained Voices by Vincent Carretta
51. When They Call You a Terrorist: A Black Lives Matter Memoir by Patrisse Khan-Cullors
52. White Fragility: Why It’s So Hard for White People to Talk About Racism by Robin
Diangelo, PhD
53. White Rage by Carol Anderson
54. Why Are All the Black Kids Sitting Together in the Cafeteria?: And Other Conversations
About Race by Beverly Daniel Tatum
55. Why I’m No Longer Talking to White People About Race by Reni Eddo-Lodge
56. Women, Race, & Class by Angela Davis

미국 경찰관련 대한 도서
1. Who Do You Serve, Who Do You Protect?: Police Violence and Resistance in the United States by Maya Schenwar

추천하는 관련 영상
● 13th (on Netflix)
● American Son (on Netflix)
● The Black Panthers: Vanguard of the Revolution
● Black Power Mixtape: 1967–1975
● Clemency
● Dear White People (on Netflix)
● Fruitvale Station
● Gook
● The Hate U Give (on Hulu with Cinemax)
● I Am Not Your Negro (on Kanopy)
● If Beale Street Could Talk (on Hulu)
● Just Mercy
● Notes From The Field (HBO)
● See You Yesterday (on Netflix)
● Selma
● When They See Us (on Netflix)

인종차별 관련 내용

Racism is prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism directed against someone of a different race based on the belief that one’s own race is superior. “Racism” is not a specific enough term to describe what Black people in this country face. The right term is “Anti-Blackness”, which is the root of most oppression and racism in the United States. Anti-Blackness is the inability to
recognize black humanity: Black people were brought into the United States as property, and have been oppressed for over 400 years. Brought here in chains and treated in an extremely inhuman fashion, Black people were not looked upon as people. The thingification of the negro resulted in Black people not being seen as human beings with the same status and worth as
other human beings. This country was founded on white supremacy, and anti-Blackness is a component of white supremacy. The United States is Anti-Black because it has benefitted from the exploitation of Black labor and the destruction of Black people and communities since its founding. Anti-Blackness is a term used to describe the disdain, disregard, and/or disgust for the existence of Black people. Slavery is a very notorious form of anti-Blackness, and though this system technically ended 150 years ago, it continues to have an impact on the way people view and treat Black people in the US today. **In fact, the ancestors of modern-day police officers are
the slave patrols who would locate and return enslaved people who had escaped.
**Read more here:

인종차별 케이스
● Schools punishing Black students for wearing their natural hair
● Telling Black people they sound more educated if they don’t use African American vernacular
● Being scared or intimidated by someone because they are Black
● Expecting a person’s work to be inferior because they are Black
● Denying someone a job because they are Black
● Not dating someone because they are Black
● Engaging in colorism
● Using the N-word when referring to a Black person
● Ridiculing/Belittling Black culture
● Refusing to listen to Black experiences of oppression
● Blackface
How To Start Eradicating Anti-Blackness
● Acknowledging it and addressing it: How have you contributed to anti-Blackness through
personal interactions? How have institutions and the systems currently in place
contributed to anti-Blackness?
● Educating yourself on the history of anti-Blackness
● Identifying, celebrating, and speaking about Black excellence
● Supporting Black-owned businesses and Black-led organizations
● Listen to and believing Black people when they speak about race, racism, discrimination,
exclusion, and prejudice.
● Not challenging “Black Lives Matter” and/or stating “All Lives Matter”
● Having conversations about anti-Blackness, and sharing things that you’ve learned with others
Colorism: Another type of discrimination that typically exists among people of the same race or ethnicity is colorism. Colorism is the prejudice based on skin tone, usually marked with a preference for lighter-skinned people. It roots from the belief of white supremacy and can be traced back to slavery. When white slave masters raped and impregnated Black slaves, the offspring were treated better than a typical slave because of their white ancestry. The daily toll of living with colorism today is inescapable. Darker-skinned people report higher experiences of microaggressions, and darker-skinned Black women self report worse health than lighter-skinned women.

인종차별 예시
● 어두운 피부를 갖은 아이한테 너는 햋볕 받지 말아라 너무 검애서 금방 타겠다
● 영화나 드라마에 중요한 역할에서 어두운 피부를 가진사람을 캐스팅하는 것을 제외하는 것
● 더 밝은 인종을 좋아하는 것
● 어두운 색의 인종과의 데이트를 꺼리는 것
● 밝은색 머릿카락과 파란 눈동자를 영광스러워 하는 것
● 피부가 하애서 또는 어두워서 쟤는 아름답다 말
● 어두운 피부색 순으로 아이들을 줄 세우는 행위
● 해쉬태그에 #밝은인종팀 이라고 이름 붙이는 것

유색인종 차별
● 밝은 색의 인종일수록 더 많은 기회가 주어진다
● 전체 인구에서 사람들은 피부가 더 밝아지고 머리카락을 펴기위해 해로운 화학 물질에 연간 100억 달러의 돈을 투자한다.
● 어두운 색의 피부는 놀림거리가 된다
● 어두운 색의 피부를 갖은 사람들은 자존감이 낮고 수치심이 생긴다
● 어두운 색은 학교나 클럽 단체에서 거절을 당할 수 있다

유색인종이 받는 차별에서 치유되는 법
● Acknowledge that colorism exists through individual, institutional, and cultural encounters and that it occurs across races
● Educate yourself on the history of colorism
● Check-in with yourself: How may you internalize and perpetuate colorism?
● Listen to those who open up about the colorism they experience
● Have conversations with people. Share what you’ve learned about colorism and how it affects people with others
● Parents and caregivers have conversations about race and colorism from an early age and continue these conversations as the child grows
● Increase the diversity of Blackness in Hollywood

연예계에 종사하고 있는 흑인들:

Black Female Directors
Ava DuVernay
Stella Meghie
Tina Gordon
Kasi Lemmons
Nzingha Stewart
Gina Prince-Bythewood
Melina Matsoukas
Cheryl Dunye
Tina Mabry
Tanya Hamilton
Tchaiko Omawale
Julie Dash
Bola Ogun

Black Male Directors
Kemp Powers
Gerard Bush
Deon Taylor
Antoine Fuqua
Malik Vitthal
Kevin Rodney Sullivan
Shaka King
Tim Story
Malcolm D. Lee
Ryan Coogler
Tyler Perry
Jordan Peele
Steve McQueen
Barry Jenkins
Gary Gray

Black Screenwriters
Jordan Peele
Karin Gist
Cheo Hodari Coker
Nia DaCosta
Dee Rees
Euzhan Palcy
Spike Lee
Courtney A. Kemp
Ali LeRoi
Marlon and Shawn Wayans
Mara Brock Akil
Salim Akil
Tyler Perry
John Singleton
Antwone Fisher
Aaron McGruder

Black Producers
Shonda Rhimes
Will Packer
James Lassiter
Datari Turner
Forest Whitaker
Stephanie Allain
O’Shea “Ice Cube” Jackson
Debra Martin Chase
Will Smith
Charles D. King
Janine Sherman Barrois
Yvette Lee Bowser
Dee Harris-Lawrence
Nkechi Okoro Carroll
Broderick Johnson
Reuben Cannon
Martin Lawrence
Tyler Perry

Black Casting Directors
Leah Daniels-Butler
Robi Reed
Victoria Thomas
Kimberly Hardin

Black Costume Designers
Ruth E. Carter
Sharen Davis
June Ambrose
Stacy Beverly
Shiona Turini

Black Production Designers
Hannah Beachler
Wynn Thomas
Deirdra Govan
Bruton Jones
Toni Barton

Black Cinematographers

Kira Kelly
Bradford Young
Malik Hassan Sayeed
Charles Burnett
Ernest Dickerson
Arthur Jafa
Jessie Maple
Janks Morton

Black Makeup Artists

Sir John
Sam Fine
Ashunta Sheriff
Pat McGrath
Camara Aunique
Moshoodat Sanni
AJ Crimson
Sheika Daley
Michael Anthony
Yolonda Frederick
Keita Moore
Mali Magic

Black Actors

Cuba Gooding Jr
Michael Clarke Duncan
Idris Elba
Chadwick Boseman
Mahershala Ali
Laz Alonso
Jensen Atwood
David Oyelowo
Donald Glover
Daniel Kaluuya
Terrence Howard
Denzel Washington
Samuel L. Jackson
Morgan Freeman
Jeremy Pope
Lakeith Stanfield
Don Cheadle
Michael Ealy
Laurence Fishburne
Anthony Mackie
Lamorne Morris
Will Smith
Blair Underwood
Shemar Moore
Lance Gross
Michael Jai White
Eddie Murphy
Wesley Snipes
Mekhi Phifer
Ephraim Sykes

Black Actresses

Letitia Wright
Viola Davis
Issa Rae
Lupita Nyong’o
Tessa Thompson
Regina Hall
Kerry Washington
Yara Shahidi
Jodie Turner-Smith
Kiersey Clemons
Gabourey Sidibe
Halle Berry
Lexi Underwood
Marsai Martin
Laura Harrier
Alfre Woodard
Octavia Spencer
Storm Reid
Numa Perrier
Regina King
Angela Bassett
Sanaa Lathan
Nia Long
Gabrielle Union
Tracee Ellis Ross
Keke Palmer
Tika Sumpter
Issa Rae
Tiffany Haddish
Amber Riley

경찰 예산 삭감

What Does “Defund the Police” Mean?
It means reducing police budgets and reallocating those funds to social services like education, healthcare, housing, youth services, and other programs and resources that communities need. When we say, “Defund the police,” we are not saying “Get rid of the police.” We are saying that the
police are overfunded. The NYPD does not need 5.6 billion dollars. That is more than NYC spends on the department of health, homeless services, housing preservation/development, and youth and community development combined! The LAPD increased their police budget (2 billion dollars) this past year while simultaneously cutting the pay of 2.5 thousand civilian workers. Do you see the problem here? Just so you know, the people who are saying “You can’t defund the police” have
Defunded education
Defunded environmental protections
Defunded healthcare
Defunded state and national parks
Defunded food safety
Defunded the sciences
Defunded the arts

Why Do We Need to Defund the Police?

Government budgets and “public safety” spending should prioritize housing, employment, healthcare, education, and other vital programs and resources that communities need. Funding these social services will help crime rates go down and provide communities with the resources and services they need to thrive. People with substance abuse problems, mental and/or emotional health issues should not be sent to the police. They should be sent to professionals who specialize in that field so that they can get the help that they need and have access to resources to learn how to handle their problems in a healthy and safe way.

관련 사실
● Los Angeles’s proposed police budget for 2021 is $1.8 billion, which is more than half of
the city’s total spending for the year.
● New York City’s annual police budget is $6 billion, which is more than the city spends
on health, homeless services, youth development, and workforce development
● The cost of policing in the US tripled from $42.3 billion in 1977 to $114.5 billion in 2017.
● In 2017, Baltimore set aside $480 million dollars for its police department while its public
schools got $265 million.
● The US spends around $80 billion each year on incarceration.
Benefits of Defunding the Police Replacing some police officers with trained social workers and special response teams. If someone calls 911 to report a drug overdose, a healthcare team can handle the situation. If someone calls 911 about homeless people, social workers can provide them with housing
support and other resources. In addition, many people will have access to resources like shelters, job programs, affordable housing, addiction trained nurses, recovery counselors, trauma-informed school counselors, and more.

경찰 예산 삭감 방법

시장이나 관련 직원에게 전화나 이메일로 경찰 예산을 삭감하고 필요한 곳에 재배분 하도록 청원합니다.

청원 내용
Possible script (NYC folks you can use this!)
My name is [YOUR NAME] and I am a resident of [BOROUGH]. Last April, Mayor Bill De Blasio proposed major budget cuts for the Fiscal Year 2021, especially to education and youth programs, while refusing to slash the NYPD budget by any significant margin. I am emailing today to demand that you vote no on the Mayor’s FY21 proposed budget. Furthermore, I urge you only to vote for a budget that includes at least $1 billion in cuts to the NYPD budget with equal reallocations towards social services and education programs, effective at the beginning of FY21, July 1, 2020.

Go to for email templates addressed to all of your city’s elected officials.
***Brooklyn council member Justin Brennan posted a video scrolling through page after page
after page of emails all demanding the same thing: Defund the Police. “Every Councilmember’s inbox for the past 3 days. The people have spoken,” he said. EMAILS WORK!!!

관련 추천 도서
What would it mean to defund the police? These cities offer ideas — Jon Schuppe

It’s Time to Reimagine Safety and Security in Our Communities — Jennifer Epps-Addison

This is what people mean when they say they want to defund the police — Nicole Goodkind

What Exactly Does It Mean to Defund the Police? — Amanda Arnold

While Crime Fell, the Cost of Cops Soared — Polly Mosendz and Jameelah D Robinson

There’s a growing call to defund the police. Here’s what it means — Scottie Andrew

흑인 모발

모발로 인한 차별이 곧 인종차별이다. 아프로헤어나 땋은 머리는 이미 미국에서 대중화됐지만 이에 대한 차별은 일터에서도 여전하다. 아프로를 갖은 사람들은 전문적으로 보이지 않고 지저분하고 산만해 보인다는 인식이 있다. 백인에게 맞춰진 미적 기준에서 벗어난다는 점에서 인종차별이 시작된다.

흑인 모발 역사와 배경
15 세기 초 아프리카인의 머리카락은 흑인들의 정체성에서 매우 큰 부분을 차지했다. 각각의 헤어스타일에서 그 사람에 대해 많은 것을 배울 수 있었다. 각기 다른 스타일링으로 사람의 나이를 나타내고, 결혼 여부, 종교, 부, 사회적 지위 등 알 수 있었고 영적인 의미도 부여하고 있었다. 각 씨족은 머리카락이 있기 때문에 독특한 스타일링으로 자신들의 정체성을 표현했다. 흑인들은 가장 높은 지점에 위치한 머리카락을 신과 영혼과의 의사 소통이 이루어졌다고 믿었고 머리가없는 흑인은 거의 찾아 볼 수 없었다. 머리카락은 그들의 자부심의 큰 원천이었다. 그렇지만 노예로 끌고가 그들의 머리를 면도함으로써 그들을 모욕하고 그들의 문화를 지우려했다. 그리고 백인 여성들은 혼란스러울 남편을 위해 흑인 여성 노예의 머리를 직접 잘라냈다. 그리고 혼혈인의 경우 머리카락은 부드러워 조금 더 아름답다고 여겨졌다. 검은모발은 백색모발에 비해 매력적이지 않았으며 머리카락을 곧게 펴기 위해 흑인 여성은 종종 피부에 화상을 입힐 수도 있는 위험한 화학물질을 썼다.

무례한 질문과 표현
“너의 머리를 피고 다니면 더 전문적으로 보일것같아”
“곱슬머리는 별 매력적이지 않아"
“그 머리 좀 어떻게 해 봐”
“흑인머리는 지저분해보여”
“머리카락이 철수세미 같아”
“너는 머리는 감니?”
“너는 머리스타일을 참 자주 바꾼다”
“새 머리스타일에 넌 줄 몰라봤어”
“너 저번주에 머리 짧지않았어? 어떻게 주말에 이렇게 길었지?”
“그렇게 자주 바꾸면 머리 다 빠지겠다”
“난 혼혈들 머리카락이 좋더라”
“네 머리카락 거시기 털 같아”
“우와, 그거 네 진짜 머리야?”
“그래서 그 머리카락은 밤에 어떻게해?”
“네 머리는 피면 얼마나 길어지니?”
“머리를 땋으면 전문적이게 보일 수 없어”
“너의 아프로 머리가 되게 산만해보여”
“그녀의 땋은 머리는 냄새나고 잡초 냄새가 나는것 같아” -한 기자가 젠다야의 땋은 머리를 보고 한 말

Effects of Hair Discrimination

흑인들은 특징적인 모발때문에 학교에서 벌칙을 받거나 집으로 다시 돌아가야만 했다
● 2017년 두 흑인 자매들은 땋은 머리를 학기말까지 풀고 다니라고했다.
● 2017년 남학생의 땋은 머리를 자르지 않으면 퇴학당하게 될 것이라고 협박했다.
● 7살 아이는 땋은 머리 때문에 사립학교에서 거절당했다

직장에서의 차별
● Banana Republic 에서 일하는 흑인 직원은 백인 관리자에게 땋은머리는 “Banana Republic 스럽지 않다”며 그 머리를 바꾸기 전까지 일을 주지 않겠다고 차별했습니다.
● 흑인여성은 땋은 머리를 한 이유로 일자리 제안이 취소되었다.
● Harrods에 일자리를 구하고 있던 흑인 여성은 머리카락을 곱게 펴지 않으면 고용하지 않겠다는 차별을 받았다.


정중히 물어봐든 상관없습니다. 흑인들 머리카락에 함부로 손대지마세요. 우리 머리카락을 함부로 만지면 불편하고 우리를 동물처럼 대하며 조롱하는 것 같아 불쾌합니다. 우선, 우리의 머리하는데 시간이 꽤 걸립니다. 제발 만지지 마세요 망가집니다. 궁금하겠지만 속으로만 감탄하세요. “만져봐도 돼?” 라니 나는 물건이 아닙니다. 제발 멀리서 바라봐주세요. 만약 흑인 모발이 궁금할 시 만지지 마시고 우선 흑인에 대한 의미있는 질문부터 하세요. 흑인 머리카락에 지나친 관심은 거절합니다. 일반적인 칭찬은 괜찮지만 우리 머리카락을 만지거나 만저본 소감을 남발하면 저희가 마치 동물이나 전시물처럼 느껴집니다. 우리가 머리스타일을 바꿨다고해서 당신에게 질문을 할 수 있는 기회가 주어진것은 절대 아닙니다. 우리의 머리카락과 특별한 스타일링은 정체성을 표현합니다. 헤어 스타일은 머리카락을 보호하고 성장을 촉진합니다. 우리의 모발을 조롱하는 것은 무례합니다. 얼빠진 듯 바라보고, 만지고, 내 머리카락에 대해 이야기하지마세요. 그냥 정중히 칭찬해주세요.

*혹시 잘못 된 부분이 있다면 이메일 보내주세요. 바로 수정하겠습니다:



Yoonah Bae
Yoonah Bae

Written by Yoonah Bae

A product designer raising disability awareness.

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